Account Movement
Get account movements
This web service interface is used for obtaining account movements data from bank system based on provided filter parameter(s).
Since movements are very frequent business entities in banking environment, it is necessary to prevent long lasting remote requests started by client systems. A simple mechanism is implemented, where bank fills system parameter, which defines maximum number of returned movements in one response (pageSize700 entries in 1 response). Such message will also contain information whether all movements were returned or only part of them. This is done by paging objects. Client system is supposed to read paging metadata and send the same request but with different index number of required page. Downloading process of movements will end when client system downloads all pages.
pageSize defines maximum number (700) of returned movements in one response.
to get next page of movements by date range request see example 11
Movement Attribute Formats
Attribute format defines allowed character set and maximal number of characters in the attribute value.
Exclamation mark (!) means that value should contain exactly the specified number of characters; e.g.:
- '22!S' – value should contain exactly 22 characters that correspond to 'S' charset;
- '22S' – value can contain up to 22 characters that correspond to 'S' charset;
- '13n.2n' – digits and decimal point: up to 13 digits before point and up to 2 digits after the point.
Format Code | Allowed Charset |
n | Digits: 0123456789 |
A | Capital letters of the Latin alphabet: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ |
S | Capital letters of the Latin alphabet: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Digits: 0123456789 Characters: / - ? : ( ) . , ` + _ * < > & SPACE |
R | Georgian (Unicode, UTF-8) letters: აბგდევზთიკლმნოპჟრსტუფქღყშჩცძწჭხჯჰ Lower case letters of the Latin alphabet: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Capital letters of the Latin alphabet: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Digits: 0123456789 Characters: / - ? : ( ) . , ' + space |
Characters < > & must be represented as:
Characters must be represented: "<" as < ">" as > "&"as &
List of request attributes in GetAccountMovements Web Service
Attribute | Type | Comment |
accountNumber | String | Account number |
accountCurrencyCode | String | Account currency; is mandatory when accountNumber is specified |
periodFrom | DateTime | Period interval “from” (inclusive) |
periodTo | DateTime | Period interval “to” (inclusive) |
movementId | String | Movement ID |
lastMovementTimestamp | DateTime | system will return movements that have higher timestamp (e.g. if 2013-10-25T15:23:12.000 is specified, then system will return movements that were created or updated after that time) |
pageIndex | Int | Index of a movement page |
pageSize | int | Number of transactions in one page (maximum 700 entries in 1 response) |
List of response attributes in GetAccountMovements Web Service
Attribute | Type | Comment |
movementId | String | Movement ID assigned by Banks NONDIGITAL channel(POS Terminal; PAYBOX; ATM; Cash operations) |
paymentId | String | ID of payment order based on which this movement was generated (assigned by Banks's DIGITAL channel (Internet/Mobile banking; DBI integration service) |
externalPaymentId | String | ID of payment order based on which this movement was generated (assigned by Banks NONDIGITAL channel (POS Terminal; PAYBOX; ATM; Cash operations) |
debitCredit | Integer | Operation type: is debit or credit operation 0 = Debit 1 = Credit |
valueDate | DateTime | Operation date |
Description | String | Description |
Amount | MoneyIo (see catalog MoneyIo below) | Amount and currency of movement |
accountNumber | String | Account number |
accountName | String | Account name |
additionalInformation | String | Additional information (recipient info) |
documentDate | DateTime | Document date |
documentNumber | String | Document number |
partnerAccountNumber | String | Partner's account number |
partnerName | String | Partner's name |
partnerTaxCode | String | Partner's tax code |
partnerBankCode | String | Partner's bank code |
partnerBank | String | Partner's bank |
intermediaryBankCode | String | Intermediary bank code |
intermediaryBank | String | Intermediary bank |
chargeDetail | String 3!A | Defines types of charges that can be used for SWIFT payments. it may have two values: SHA - Beneficiary will receive amount reduced by intermediary bank’s fee OUR - Beneficiary will receive full amount, you will pay additional 20USD/30EUR |
taxpayerCode | String | Taxpayer code |
taxpayerName | String | Taxpayer name |
treasuryCode | String | Treasury code |
operationCode | String | Operation code |
additionalDescription | String | Additional description |
exchangeRate | String | Exchange rate (for currency exchange operations) |
partnerPersonalNumber | String | Partner's personal number (for cash operations) |
partnerDocumentType | See catalog Identification Document Type below | Partner's ID document type (for cash operations) |
partnerDocumentNumber | String | Partner's ID document number (for cash operations) |
parentExternalPaymentId | String | Payment order ID of parent movement assigned by NONDIGITAL channel (POS Terminal; PAYBOX; ATM; Cash operations); e.g. this attribute can be filled for charge movements to link them with original payment movements |
statusCode | see catalog Transaction Status below | Authorization status code in NONDIGITAL channel (POS Terminal; PAYBOX; ATM; Cash operations) (Client system can guess that payment order is fully accepted and processed by Bank only after movement gets Authorized status) |
transactionType | see catalog Transaction Subtype below | Transaction type |
Date formats
DateTime – in requests sent to Bank's Digital channel DateTime must be in format:
yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS e.g.: 2023-02-22T15:23:12.000
DateTime – in responses received from Bank's digital channel DateTime is in format:
yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ e.g.: 2023-02-22T00:00:00+04:00
Identification Document Type
Partner Document Type Code | Definition |
0 | Without passport |
1 | Georgian citizen ID |
2 | Georgian citizen passport |
3 | Other countries citizen passport |
4 | Permanent residence permit ID |
5 | Soviet union passport |
6 | Birth certificate |
8 | Refugee ID |
9 | IDP (Internally Displaced Person) Temporary Document |
10 | Temporary ID for citizen of Georgia |
11 | ID Card |
12 | ID Card - residence permit ID |
13 | Georgian living abroad ID |
14 | Diplomatic card |
15 | Neutral ID |
16 | Neutral travel document |
17 | Travel document |
18 | Diplomatic passport for Georgian citizen |
19 | Job passport for Georgian citizen |
20 | Temporary ID card |
21 | Unidentified |
22 | ID Card - temporary residence permit electronic ID |
Transaction Status
Transaction Status Code | Definition |
1 | Waiting for authorization |
2 | Waiting for second authorization |
3 | Authorized |
Transaction Subtype
Transaction Subtype code | Definition |
1 | Transfer between own accounts |
5 | Currency exchange |
20 | Income |
30 | Transfer out and cash withdrawal |
31 | Bill, Top UP Mobile, fine payments |
32 | Treasury transfers |
33 | Other expenses |
Filter combinations
There are several combinations of values which are considered as correct; the rest should return an error code: INCORRECT_INPUT_DATA.
Get Movement By ID
If movement ID parameter is filled, then other filtering parameters must be empty; if not then request will fail and an error code - INCORRECT_INPUT_DATA will be returned.
Example 1: Get Account Movement By ID Request
Example 2: Get Account Movement By ID Response
<ns2:description>ანგარიშზე თანხის შეტანა</ns2:description>
<ns2:accountName>შპს test. კომპ</ns2:accountName>
<ns2:additionalInformation> ნინო სირაძე 00000000000 </ns2:additionalInformation>
<ns2:partnerName>ნინო სირაძე</ns2:partnerName>
<ns2:taxpayerName>ნინო სირაძე, 00000000000</ns2:taxpayerName>
Get Account Movements By Last Movement Timestamp
If last movement timestamp is filled, then other filter parameters must be empty; if not then request will
fail and an error code - INCORRECT_INPUT_DATAwill be returned.
Example 3: Get Account Movement By lastMovementTimestamp Request
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""
Example 4: Get Account Movement By lastMovementTimestamp Response
<ns2:description>ანგარიშზე თანხის შეტანა</ns2:description>
<ns2:accountName>შპს test</ns2:accountName>
<ns2:additionalInformation> test user პ/ნ 00000000000 </ns2:additionalInformation>
<ns2:partnerName>ნინო სირაძე</ns2:partnerName>
<ns2:taxpayerName>ნინო სირაძე, 00000000000</ns2:taxpayerName>
<ns2:description>გადარიცხვის საკომისიო</ns2:description>
<ns2:accountName>შპს test</ns2:accountName>
<ns2:additionalInformation>საკომისიო შემოსავალი - იურიდიული პირების გადარიცხვები GE49TB0006000000000000 </ns2:additionalInformation>
<ns2:taxpayerName>, </ns2:taxpayerName>
Get movements by other filtering parameters
All filter parameters can be filled except movement ID and last movement timestamp, otherwise the
request will fail and an error code - INCORRECT_INPUT_DATA will be returned.
Example 5: If Movement ID And/Or Last movement Timestamp Are Filled With Other Filter Parameters, Request Will Fail
MovementID Is Used With Other Filter Parameter In The Request<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:myg="" xmlns:wsse=""> <soapenv:Header> <wsse:Security> <wsse:UsernameToken> <wsse:Username>USERNAME</wsse:Username> <wsse:Password>PASSWORD</wsse:Password> <wsse:Nonce>111111</wsse:Nonce> </wsse:UsernameToken> </wsse:Security> </soapenv:Header> <soapenv:Body> <myg:GetAccountMovementsRequestIo> <myg:accountMovementFilterIo> <myg:periodFrom>2023-07-01T15:23:12.000</myg:periodFrom> <myg:periodTo>2023-07-28T15:23:12.000</myg:periodTo> <myg:movementId>001157711468.1</myg:movementId> </myg:accountMovementFilterIo> </myg:GetAccountMovementsRequestIo> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
Error response<s:Envelope xmlns:s=""> <s:Header/> <s:Body> <s:Fault> <faultcode xmlns:a="">a:INCORRECT_INPUT_DATA </faultcode> <faultstring xml:lang="en">Incorrect combination of input data in filter.</faultstring> </s:Fault> </s:Body> </s:Envelope>
Get Account Movements By Date Range
Page Index
Response returns data block with paging information. Web Service automatically returns first page, which has index equal to zero (0). Since paging information in response contains total count and actual page size, calling system can easily count how many pages are needed to download all items matching the filter critera.
Calling system should send another request with page index equal to 1 to obtain the rest of the data (2nd page in example 11).
Get movements by periodFrom - periodTo
- If only periodFrom filter parameters is used, system will return movements that have higher timestamp (e.g. if 2023-10-25T15:23:12.000 is specified, then system will return movements that were created or updated after that time)
- If only periodTo filter parameters is used, system will return movements that have lower timestamp (e.g. if 2023-10-25T15:23:12.000 is specified, then system will return movements that were created or updated beforethat time)
- If both periodFrom and periodTo filter parameters is used (date range), system will return movements that have timestamp in between (e.g. if from date 2012-10-25T15:23:12.000 and to date
2013-10-25T15:23:12.000 is specified, then system will return movements that were created or updated between date range)
Response returns data block with paging information. Web Service automatically returns first page, which has index equal to zero (0). Since paging information in response contains total count and actual page size, calling
system can easily count how many pages are needed to download all items matching the filter critera.
Example 5: Get Account Movement By periodFrom Request
Example 6: Get Account Movement By periodFrom Response
<ns2:description>ანგარიშზე თანხის შეტანა</ns2:description>
<ns2:accountName>შპს test</ns2:accountName>
<ns2:additionalInformation> test user პ/ნ 00000000000 </ns2:additionalInformation>
<ns2:partnerName>ნინო სირაძე</ns2:partnerName>
<ns2:taxpayerName>ნინო სირაძე, 00000000000</ns2:taxpayerName>
<ns2:description>გადარიცხვის საკომისიო</ns2:description>
<ns2:accountName>შპს test</ns2:accountName>
<ns2:additionalInformation>საკომისიო შემოსავალი - იურიდიული პირების გადარიცხვები GE49TB0006000000000000 </ns2:additionalInformation>
<ns2:taxpayerName>, </ns2:taxpayerName>
Example 7: Get Account Movement By periodTo Request
Example 8: Get Account Movement By periodTo Response
<ns2:description>ანგარიშზე თანხის შეტანა</ns2:description>
<ns2:accountName>შპს test</ns2:accountName>
<ns2:additionalInformation> test user პ/ნ 00000000000 </ns2:additionalInformation>
<ns2:partnerName>ნინო სირაძე</ns2:partnerName>
<ns2:taxpayerName>ნინო სირაძე, 00000000000</ns2:taxpayerName>
<ns2:description>გადარიცხვის საკომისიო</ns2:description>
<ns2:accountName>შპს test</ns2:accountName>
<ns2:additionalInformation>საკომისიო შემოსავალი - იურიდიული პირების გადარიცხვები GE49TB0006000000000000 </ns2:additionalInformation>
<ns2:taxpayerName>, </ns2:taxpayerName>
Example 9: Get Account Movement By Date Range (First Page) Request
Example 10: Get Account Movement By Date Range (First Page) Rsponse
<ns2:description>ანგარიშზე თანხის შეტანა</ns2:description>
<ns2:accountName>შპს test</ns2:accountName>
<ns2:additionalInformation> test user პ/ნ 00000000000 </ns2:additionalInformation>
<ns2:partnerName>ნინო სირაძე</ns2:partnerName>
<ns2:taxpayerName>ნინო სირაძე, 00000000000</ns2:taxpayerName>
<ns2:description>გადარიცხვის საკომისიო</ns2:description>
<ns2:accountName>შპს test</ns2:accountName>
<ns2:additionalInformation>საკომისიო შემოსავალი - იურიდიული პირების გადარიცხვები GE49TB0006000000000000 </ns2:additionalInformation>
<ns2:taxpayerName>, </ns2:taxpayerName>
Get Next Page Of Movements By Date Range Request
Response returns data block with paging information. Web Service automatically returns first page, which has index equal to zero (0). Since paging information in response contains total count and actual page size, calling
system can easily count how many pages are needed to download all items matching the filter critera.
Calling system should send another request with page index equal to 1 to obtain the rest of the data (2nd page in this example).
Example 11: Get Next Page Of Movements By Date Range Request
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
Example 12: Get Next Page Of Movements By Date Range Response
<ns2:description>ანგარიშზე თანხის შეტანა</ns2:description>
<ns2:accountName>შპს test</ns2:accountName>
<ns2:additionalInformation> test user პ/ნ 00000000000 </ns2:additionalInformation>
<ns2:partnerName>ნინო სირაძე</ns2:partnerName>
<ns2:taxpayerName>ნინო სირაძე, 00000000000</ns2:taxpayerName>
<ns2:description>გადარიცხვის საკომისიო</ns2:description>
<ns2:accountName>შპს test</ns2:accountName>
<ns2:additionalInformation>საკომისიო შემოსავალი - იურიდიული პირების გადარიცხვები GE49TB0006000000000000 </ns2:additionalInformation>
<ns2:taxpayerName>, </ns2:taxpayerName>
Get Account Movements By Account Number And Currency
Account currency is mandatory when accountNumber is specified
can be used with date range and page index filters
Example 13: Get Account Movements By Account Number And Currency Request
Example 14: Get Account Movements By Account Number And Currency Response
only specified account movements will be returned
<ns2:description>ანგარიშზე თანხის შეტანა</ns2:description>
<ns2:accountName>შპს test</ns2:accountName>
<ns2:additionalInformation> test user პ/ნ 00000000000 </ns2:additionalInformation>
<ns2:partnerName>ნინო სირაძე</ns2:partnerName>
<ns2:taxpayerName>ნინო სირაძე, 00000000000</ns2:taxpayerName>
<ns2:description>გადარიცხვის საკომისიო</ns2:description>
<ns2:accountName>შპს test</ns2:accountName>
<ns2:additionalInformation>საკომისიო შემოსავალი - იურიდიული პირების გადარიცხვები GE49TB0006000000000000 </ns2:additionalInformation>
<ns2:taxpayerName>, </ns2:taxpayerName>
--- --- --- ---
Updated 11 months ago