Get Account Statement

This web service interface is used for obtaining account statement data from bank system.
Besides account number and its currency there will be period (starting and closing date) defined in interface request for which statement data should be provided/returned. Data will be calculated and returned as sum of all credit and debit transaction’s amounts for whole period defined in request, not per each day. So there will be 2 amounts (sums) in response plus starting and closing balance (balanceType: booked) according to periodFrom/periodTo dates.
There will be no currency exchange calculation (e.g. inGelEquiv).

Payment Order Attribute Formats

Attribute format defines allowed character set and maximal number of characters in the attribute value.
Exclamation mark (!) means that value should contain exactly the specified number of characters; e.g.:

  • '22!S' – value should contain exactly 22 characters that correspond to 'S' charset;
  • '22S' – value can contain up to 22 characters that correspond to 'S' charset;
  • '13n.2n' – digits and decimal point: up to 13 digits before point and up to 2 digits after the point.
Format CodeAllowed Charset
nDigits: 0123456789
ACapital letters of the Latin alphabet: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
SCapital letters of the Latin alphabet: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
Digits: 0123456789
Characters: / - ? : ( ) . , ` + _ * < > & SPACE
RGeorgian (Unicode, UTF-8) letters: აბგდევზთიკლმნოპჟრსტუფქღყშჩცძწჭხჯჰ
Lower case letters of the Latin alphabet: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Capital letters of the Latin alphabet: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
Digits: 0123456789
Characters: / - ? : ( ) . , ' + space


Characters < > & must be represented as:

Characters must be represented: "<" as &lt; ">" as &gt; "&"as &amp;

MoneyIo Object

Numeric representation of amount
Currency ISO code

List of request attributes in GetAccountStatement Web Service:

accountNumberStringAccount number
accountCurrencyCodeStringAccount currency;
is mandatory when accountNumber is specified
periodFromDateTimeStarting date from which statement data should be
periodToDateTimeClosing date to which statement data should be

Example 1: Get Account Statement Request


List of response attributes in GetAccountStatement Web Service:

openingDateDateTimeStarting date from which statement data are provided
openingBalanceMoneyIoStarting booked balance for opening date (means
available balance as on statement page)
closingDateDateTimeClosing date to which statement data are provided
closingBalanceMoneyIoFinal available balance of last/closing date (as on statement page)
debitSumMoneyIoSum of all debit amounts from starting date to closing date
creditSumMoneyIoSum of all credit amounts from starting date to closing date
currencyStringAccount Currency

Example 2: Get Account Statement Response
