Import Single Payments
Import Single Payments
Import single payment orders functionality allows external systems to import single payment orders into the bank system. In one call 1 to 10 single payment orders of different types can be imported.
Payment Order Attribute Formats
Attribute format defines allowed character set and maximal number of characters in the attribute value.
Exclamation mark (!) means that value should contain exactly the specified number of characters; e.g.:
- '22!S' – value should contain exactly 22 characters that correspond to 'S' charset;
- '22S' – value can contain up to 22 characters that correspond to 'S' charset;
- '13n.2n' – digits and decimal point: up to 13 digits before point and up to 2 digits after the point.
Format Code | Allowed Charset |
n | Digits: 0123456789 |
A | Capital letters of the Latin alphabet: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ |
S | Capital letters of the Latin alphabet: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Digits: 0123456789 Characters: / - ? : ( ) . , ` + _ * < > & SPACE |
R | Georgian (Unicode, UTF-8) letters: აბგდევზთიკლმნოპჟრსტუფქღყშჩცძწჭხჯჰ Lower case letters of the Latin alphabet: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Capital letters of the Latin alphabet: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Digits: 0123456789 Characters: / - ? : ( ) . , ' + space |
Characters < > & must be represented as:
Characters must be represented: "<" as < ">" as > "&"as &
List Of Request Attributes In Import Single Payment
Attribute | Type | Comment |
singlePaymentRequestId | Long 19n | This attribute is optional; When specified, bank system will check whether there is already imported single payment order with the same request ID for the same client via ImportSinglePaymentOrdersRequestIo or via ImportBatchPaymentOrderRequestIo and if yes – then import will fail. |
creditAccount | AccountIdentificationIo | Credit account. Is not used for treasury transfers; for all other transfer types this element is mandatory. |
debitAccount | AccountIdentificationIo | When importing single payment order this element is mandatory. When importing batch payment this element should not be used. |
documentNumber | Long 10n | Integer numbers up to 2147483647 are accepted. In case external system does not send any value, bank system will generate it automatically based on timestamp. |
amount | Decimal 13n.2n | Amount to transfer from debit account. |
position | Integer | Position of Payment Order in request. Is mandatory for both single and batch payment orders. For batch payments this value is then returned in GetPaymentOrderStatus so that the calling system is able to match the provided paymentId-s and paymentStatus-es to each payment order sent in a batch. For single payments it is used again to match the paymentOrder data in response to those in request. |
additionalDescription | String 165S – for transfer to other bank in foreign currency; 255R – for other transfer types. | Additional description. Is not used in transfer to own account orders. |
description | String 140S – for transfer to other bank in foreign currency; 150R – for other transfer types. | Description of the payment. Is not used in treasury transfers; for all other transfer types this element is mandatory. |
AccountIdentificationIo Object
Attribute | Type | Comment |
accountNumber | String 34S – for creditAccount in transfer to other bank in foreign currency; 22!S – for all other cases. | Account number in IBAN format (creditAccount in transfer to other bank in foreign currency can have different format) |
accountCurrencyCode | String 3!A | Account currency code. For debitAccount element this is MANDATORY |
ImportSinglePaymentOrders Method
Method | Description | Returns |
ImportSinglePaymentOrders | List of single payment orders (can be various types) | Returns imported single payment ID |
Available payment order types and their XSD element equivalents:
Payment order type | xsd element name |
Transfer to own account - debit and credit accounts have same currency or have different currencies (currency exchange) | TransferToOwnAccountPaymentOrderIo |
Transfer within TBC Bank | TransferWithinBankPaymentOrderIo |
Transfer to Other Bank in National Currency | TransferToOtherBankNationalCurrencyPaymentOrderIo |
Transfer to Other Bank in Foreign Currency | TransferToOtherBankForeignCurrencyPaymentOrderIo |
Treasury Transfer | TreasuryTransferPaymentOrderIo |
Treasury Transfer for other person or company | TreasuryTransferPaymentOrderIo |
Transfer To Own Account
TransferToOwnAccountPaymentOrderIo type is described here
Transfer between 2 accounts when the both accounts have the same currency;
The bank system will decide which of the 3 scenarios should be processed based on amount,
debitAccount and creditAccount elements‘ currencies:
Transfer to own account payment order specifics:
• creditAccount element is mandatory;
• creditAccount element’s accountCurrencyCode is mandatory;
• amount element’s currency must match debitAccount or creditAccount element’s currency.
Example 1: Import Single Payment Orders Transfer To Own Account Request
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""
<myg:singlePaymentOrder xsi:type="myg:TransferToOwnAccountPaymentOrderIo">
<myg:description>Transfer to Own Account</myg:description>
Transfer Within Bank
TransferWithinBankPaymentOrderIo type is described here
Transfer within bank payment order specifics:
creditAccount element is mandatory, but it’s accountCurrencyCode element is not used.
Attribute | Type | Comment |
beneficiaryName | String | Credit account owner name |
beneficiaryTaxCode | String 11n | Tax code (when beneficiary is company) or personal number (when beneficiary is individual person) of credit account owner. This attribute is optional, but in case it is specified, bank system will check and accept order only if the specified credit account really belongs to the company/person that has the specified tax code/personal number. |
Example 2: Import Single Payment Orders Transfer Within Bank Request
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""
<myg:singlePaymentOrder xsi:type="myg:TransferWithinBankPaymentOrderIo">
<myg:additionalDescription>Transfer within TBC Bank Example</myg:additionalDescription>
<myg:description>Transfer within TBC Bank</myg:description>
<myg:beneficiaryName>Some Company Ltd</myg:beneficiaryName>
Transfer To Other Bank In National Currency
TransferToOtherBankNationalCurrencyPaymentOrderIo type is described here.
Transfer to other bank in national currency payment order specifics:
- creditAccount element is mandatory, but it’s accountCurrencyCode element is not used;
- amount element’s currency must be GEL.
Example 3: Import Single Payment Orders Transfer To Other Bank National Currency
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""
<myg:singlePaymentOrder xsi:type="myg:TransferToOtherBankNationalCurrencyPaymentOrderIo">
<myg:additionalDescription>Transfer to Other Bank in NC Example</myg:additionalDescription>
<myg:description>Transfer to Other Bank in National Currency</myg:description>
<myg:beneficiaryName>Some Company Ltd</myg:beneficiaryName>
Transfer To Other Bank In Foreign Currency
TransferToOtherBankForeignCurrencyPaymentOrderIo is described here.
Transfer to other bank in foreign currency payment order specifics:
- creditAccount element is mandatory, but it’s accountCurrencyCode element is not used;
- amount element’s currency must be the same as debitAccount element‘s currency;
- Summary length of (beneficiaryName + ' ' + beneficiaryAddress) should not exceed 140
Attribute | Type | Comment |
beneficiaryName | String 140S * | Credit account owner name |
beneficiaryAddress | String 140S * | Credit account owner country |
beneficiaryBankCode | String 34S | Beneficiary bank identification code |
beneficiaryBankName | String 140S | Beneficiary bank name (optional if bank SWIFT code is specified) |
intermediaryBankCode | String 34S | Intermediary bank identification code |
intermediaryBankName | String 140S | Intermediary bank name (optional if intermediary bank SWIFT code is specified or code is not specified at all) |
chargeDetails | String 3!A | Defines types of charges that can be used for SWIFT payments. it may have two values: SHA - Beneficiary will receive amount reduced by intermediary bank’s fee OUR - Beneficiary will receive full amount, you will pay additional 20USD/30EUR |
Example 4: Import Single Payment Orders Transfer To Other Bank Foreign Currency
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""
<myg:singlePaymentOrder xsi:type="myg:TransferToOtherBankForeignCurrencyPaymentOrderIo">
<myg:description>TRANSFER TO OTHER BANK IN FC</myg:description>
<myg:beneficiaryName>Lorentzen AND Sievers GmbH</myg:beneficiaryName>
<myg:beneficiaryBankName>MY SPECIAL BANK NAME</myg:beneficiaryBankName>
Treasury Transfer
TreasuryTransferPaymentOrderIo type is described here.
Treasury transfer payment order specifics:
- creditAccount element must not be used. Instead of this element bank system for treasury
transfers uses code specified in the treasuryCode element; - description element must not be used. It is set automatically by bank system based on the
treasuryCode element. If description is filled this will cause an error; - If either the taxpayerCode or the taxpayerName element is filled then the other is mandatory
as well. These two elements should not be used when payment is not for other person or
Attribute | Type | Comment |
taxpayerCode | String 11n | Tax payer identification code of person or company, for which client makes treasury transfer (mandatory when taxpayerName is filled; if this attribute is filled this means that payment is for other person or company) |
taxpayerName | String 100R | Name of person or company, for which client makes treasury transfer mandatory when taxpayerCode is filled; if this attribute is filled this means that payment is for other person or company) |
treasuryCode | String 9!n | Tax payment treasury code |
Example 5: Import Single Payment Orders Treasury Transfer
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""
<myg:singlePaymentOrder xsi:type="myg:TreasuryTransferPaymentOrderIo">
<myg:additionalDescription>Treasury Transfer Example</myg:additionalDescription>
Single Payment including different order types
Example 6: Valid Message For Different Payment Order Types In Single Payments Request
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""
<myg:singlePaymentOrder xsi:type="myg:TransferToOwnAccountPaymentOrderIo">
<myg:description>Transfer to Own Account</myg:description>
<myg:singlePaymentOrder xsi:type="myg:TransferToOwnAccountPaymentOrderIo">
<myg:description>Currency Exchange</myg:description>
<myg:singlePaymentOrder xsi:type="myg:TransferWithinBankPaymentOrderIo">
<myg:additionalDescription>Transfer within TBC Bank Example</myg:additionalDescription>
<myg:description>Transfer within TBC Bank</myg:description>
<myg:beneficiaryName>Some Company Ltd</myg:beneficiaryName>
<myg:singlePaymentOrder xsi:type="myg:TransferToOtherBankNationalCurrencyPaymentOrderIo">
<myg:additionalDescription>Transfer to Other Bank in NC Example</myg:additionalDescription>
<myg:description>Transfer to Other Bank in National Currency</myg:description>
<myg:beneficiaryName>Some Company Ltd</myg:beneficiaryName>
<myg:singlePaymentOrder xsi:type="myg:TransferToOtherBankForeignCurrencyPaymentOrderIo">
<myg:description>TRANSFER TO OTHER BANK IN FOREIGN CURRENCY</myg:description>
<myg:beneficiaryName>SOME COMPANY LTD</myg:beneficiaryName>
<myg:beneficiaryBankName>MY SPECIAL BANK NAME</myg:beneficiaryBankName>
<myg:singlePaymentOrder xsi:type="myg:TreasuryTransferPaymentOrderIo">
<myg:additionalDescription>Treasury Transfer Example</myg:additionalDescription>
<myg:singlePaymentOrder xsi:type="myg:TreasuryTransferPaymentOrderIo">
<myg:additionalDescription>Treasury Transfer for other Example</myg:additionalDescription>
<myg:taxpayerName>Other Company Ltd</myg:taxpayerName>
List Of Response Attributes In ImportSinglePaymentOrders Web Service
Attribute | ||
position | Integer | Position copied from request message of given single payment order. Serves for matching which PaymentId belongs to wich payment order in request. |
PaymentId | String | Payment order ID assigned by Bank's digital channel (Internet/Mobile banking; DBI integration service) |
Example 7: Success Response For Different Payment Order Types In Single Payments Import
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns2=""> <SOAP-ENV:Header/> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <ns2:ImportSinglePaymentOrdersResponseIo xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <ns2:PaymentOrdersResults> <ns2:position>1</ns2:position> <ns2:paymentId>541202015</ns2:paymentId> </ns2:PaymentOrdersResults> <ns2:PaymentOrdersResults> <ns2:position>2</ns2:position> <ns2:paymentId>541202016</ns2:paymentId> </ns2:PaymentOrdersResults> <ns2:PaymentOrdersResults> <ns2:position>3</ns2:position> <ns2:paymentId>541202017</ns2:paymentId> </ns2:PaymentOrdersResults> <ns2:PaymentOrdersResults> <ns2:position>4</ns2:position> <ns2:paymentId>541202018</ns2:paymentId> </ns2:PaymentOrdersResults> <ns2:PaymentOrdersResults> <ns2:position>5</ns2:position> <ns2:paymentId>541202019</ns2:paymentId> </ns2:PaymentOrdersResults> <ns2:PaymentOrdersResults> <ns2:position>6</ns2:position> <ns2:paymentId>541202020</ns2:paymentId> </ns2:PaymentOrdersResults> <ns2:PaymentOrdersResults> <ns2:position>7</ns2:position> <ns2:paymentId>541202021</ns2:paymentId> </ns2:PaymentOrdersResults> </ns2:ImportSinglePaymentOrdersResponseIo> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
Example 8: If More Than 10 Single Payment Orders Of Different Types Are Imported
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""> <SOAP-ENV:Header/> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <SOAP-ENV:Fault> <faultcode xmlns:ns0="">ns0:INCORRECT_INPUT_DATA</faultcode> <faultstring xml:lang="en">Maximum allowed number of single payment orders in 1 request is 10</faultstring> </SOAP-ENV:Fault> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
Example 9: Success Response For Any Types In Single Payments Import
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns2=""> <SOAP-ENV:Header/> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <ns2:ImportSinglePaymentOrdersResponseIo xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <ns2:PaymentOrdersResults> <ns2:position>4</ns2:position> <ns2:paymentId>541202011</ns2:paymentId> </ns2:PaymentOrdersResults> </ns2:ImportSinglePaymentOrdersResponseIo> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
Common Errors
Example 10: Error When There Is Already Imported Single Payment Order With The Same Request ID
<s:Envelope xmlns:s=""> <s:Header/> <s:Body> <s:Fault> <faultcode xmlns:a="">a:DUPLICATED_SINGLE_PAYMENT_REQUEST </faultcode> <faultstring xml:lang="en">There is already imported single payment order with the same request ID ('231') for the same client.</faultstring> </s:Fault> </s:Body> </s:Envelope>
Example 11: Error When ChargeDerails Value Is Invalid
<s:Envelope xmlns:s=""> <s:Header/> <s:Body> <s:Fault> <faultcode xmlns:a="">a:GENERAL_ERROR </faultcode> <faultstring xml:lang="en">No catalog object found for code AAA in catalog cz.bsc.g6.components.payment.domain.catalog.FeePaymentMethod</faultstring> </s:Fault> </s:Body> </s:Envelope>
Example 12: Error When Position Value Is Duplicated
<s:Envelope xmlns:s=""> <s:Header/> <s:Body> <s:Fault> <faultcode xmlns:a="">a:INCORRECT_INPUT_DATA </faultcode> <faultstring xml:lang="en">Position element is not unique. Duplicate position value = 1</faultstring> </s:Fault> </s:Body> </s:Envelope>
Updated 4 months ago