Get Started with Postman

Get Started with Postman

Postman is a tool we really like, so for each API Product we prepare pre-configured collections and environments to make it easy for you to try out and start experimenting with our APIs right away.

To start testing with Postman you really need 3 easy steps:

  1. Set Up Postman
  2. Download and Import Collections
  3. Configure Environment

That's all! Now you're all set up to start experimenting!

Set up Postman


Import collection and environment


  • Drag and drop or Select the files from your computer on the pop-up that appears.



Downloaded files will be in .zip format, so you'll first need to unzip them to be able to import both collection and environment to Postman.

  • Collection and Environment should appear. Click Import

  • Now your Sample Requests and Environments should be visible in the Postman.