/Generate or Refresh Token

Generate or Refresh Token

This method creates or refreshes the token depending on the body of the request.
For creating new token required parameters are: grant_type, auth_req_id, and client_id

For refreshing existing token required parameters are: grant_type, refresh_token, client_id

Body Parameters

parameters client_id and client_secret should be passed in Body as
x-www-form-urlencoded parameters

client_idstringThe client identifier issued to the client during the registration process
auth_req_idstringIt is the unique identifier to identify the authentication request (transaction) made by the Client
NOTE - this parameter is only used in case of CIBA
grant_typestringWhen creating new token grant_type must be 'urn:openid:params:grant-type:ciba' or 'authorization_code', depending from where process was started.

If authorization initiated from authorize endpoint then the grant_type must be 'authorization_code'.
If authorization initiated from bc authorization endpoint, then the grant_type must be 'urn:openid:params:grant-type:ciba'

For refresh token grant_type must be 'refresh_token'
code-verifierstringThe code verifier for the PKCE request, that the app originally generated before the authorization request.
NOTE - this parameter is skipped in case of CIBA
codestringThe client will send the authorization code it obtained in the redirect
NOTE - this parameter is skipped in case of CIBA
refresh_tokenstringrefresh_token parameter used when refreshing the token
redirect_uristringThe redirect URL that was used in the initial authorization request
NOTE - this parameter is skipped in case of CIBA