.NET Framework

.NET Framework

Framework for integrating Online Installment

Repository contains the SDK for simplifying TBC Open API Online Installments API invocations on C# client application side.
​Library is written in the C # programming language and is compatible with .netstandard2.0 and .net6.0.​


In order to use the SDK, it is mandatory to have apikey from TBC Bank's OpenAPI Developer portal.
​See more details on how to get ​apikey.

.Net Core Usage

​First step is to configure appsettings.json file with Online Installments endpoint, TBC Portal apikey and ClientSecret

"OnlineInstallments": {
"BaseUrl": "https://tbcbank-test.apigee.net/v1/online-installments/",
"ApiKey": "{apikey}",
"ClientSecret" : "{ClientSecret}"

​Then add Online Installments client as an dependency injection


​After two steps above, setup is done and Online Installments client can be injected in any container class:​Injection example:​

private readonly IOnlineInstallmentsClient _onlineInstallmentsClient;
public TestController(IOnlineInstallmentsClient onlineInstallmentsClient)
_onlineInstallmentsClient = onlineInstallmentsClient;

​Api invocation example:​

var result = await _onlineInstallmentsClient.GetApplicationStatus(
new GetApplicationStatusRequest
                MerchantKey = "aeb32470-4999-4f05-b271-b393325c8d8f",
                SessionId = "3293a41f-1ad0-4542-968a-a8480495b2d6"

NetFramework Usage

​First step is to configure appsettings.json file with Online Installments endpoint, TBC Portal apikey and ClientSecret

<add key="OnlineInstallmentsUrl" value="https://tbcbank-test.apigee.net/v1/online-installments/" />
<add key="OnlineInstallmentsKey" value="{apikey}" />
<add key="OnlineInstallmentsClientSecret" value="{clientSecret}" />

​In the Global.asax file at Application_Start() add following code

new OpenApiClientFactoryBuilder()
.AddOnlineInstallmentsClient(new OnlineInstallmentsClientOptions
BaseUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["OnlineInstallmentsUrl"],
ApiKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["OnlineInstallmentsKey"],
ApiKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["OnlineInstallmentsClientSecret"]

This code reads config parameters and then creates singleton OpenApiClientFactory, which is used to instantiate Online Installments client.
​OnlineInstallmentsClient class instantiation and invocation example:​

var onlineInstallmentsClient = OpenApiClientFactory.Instance.GetOnlineInstallmentsClient();
var result = await onlineInstallmentsClient.GetApplicationStatus(new GetApplicationStatusRequest
                MerchantKey = "aeb32470-4999-4f05-b271-b393325c8d8f",
                SessionId = "3293a41f-1ad0-4542-968a-a8480495b2d6"

​For more details see examples in repo:​​